sisterMAG No. 63 / October 2021
Right in time for the beginning of autumn, our new issue sisterMAG No. 63 is live! Our motto for this issue: »Singing in the Rain«! We dedicate the content of our new issue to the versatile material rubber, show in many DIYs how rubber can be used, present rain fashion in all its facets, a new fashion collection for the sewing lovers among you and much more! We talked to interesting balloon makers, explain the history of rubber boots, and feature artist Jeff Koons, who has risen to worldwide fame with his balloon sculptures. This issue is jam-packed and just the right readinf stuff for the cooler months and a cozy time at home. We hope you enjoy reading and are looking forward to your feedback!
Feel like browsing through an older issue again? Then take a look at sisterMAG No. 62 with the title »Flower Power« and here at sisterMAG No. 61 all around »Skirt, Needle, Safari«.