sisterMAG No. 62 / June 2021
sisterMAG No. 62 is live! Summer shows itself from its most beautiful side and fittingly this issue is fully dedicated to nature and flowers – our motto is »Flower Power«! Look forward to exciting and flowery features: We introduce you to the new GINZA fragrance from our partner SHISEIDO and tell you about our digital fragrance journey that we organized together. You can expect many paper flower DIYs and the artists behind them telling you something about themselves and their work. With the next sisterMAG baby on the way, it’s time for a new fashion collection that’s great during and after pregnancy. You will find the latest patterns completely in our sisterMAG Patterns shop very soon. In this issue, we will also tell you about flowery fashion collections of the past years, about flowers in art history and also another traditional profession is waiting for you – that of a dairy farmer. We hope you enjoy reading and are looking forward to your feedback!