sisterMAG loves CEWE – Prints, balloons and photobooks
26 bloggers, 2 days, endless photo ideas. Our blogger event in Cologne together with our partner CEWE was all about “Making memories and keeping them”. The day started with a talk by the wonderful Brittany Watson Jepsen von The House That Lars Built from the USA. In three workshops on still life photography, DIY photo projects and city photography the participants got active themselves. The workshop leaders besides Brittany were also Nic Hildebrandt from Luzia Pimpinella as well as Anastasia Benko and wedding photographer and founder of fotografie-kurs.koeln David Grigo who made our participants see the city with different eyes during his photo tour. On Sunday, photographer Cris Santos gave us a tour of the photokina and presented the most exciting news in the photography world, before the weekend came to an end at the CEWE area.
- Sponsor Partner: CEWE
- Fotos: AnnyCK
- Illustrationen: Emma Block
- Videos: Onn Halpern
- Location: Studiolichtstraße
- Catering: Kunz Mahl
- Produktion sisterMAG: Nuna Hausmann, Lena Holzer, Marie Darme, Songie Yoon, Cristopher Santos
- Text: Patricia Kaiser