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Our new series: #sisterMAGhandmade!! A reflection on the handmade.

Finally! Today is the day we launch our new video series #sisterMAGhandmade. The series explores more closely what sisterMAG stands for at its core: »doing-it-ourselves«. For, each new sisterMAG issue starts with the production of the highly esteemed cover-dress, all of which have so far been developed, created and produced by Evi Neubauer, solely. Then, nearly every single photograph of this is realised on an individual shooting carefully put together by an ever-changing team. Our love for »handmade« is further reflected in our layouts none of which have a basic template, but instead are produced from scratch for each topic (here, we do take this phrase literal: No fear of a blank sheet!)

In 2017, we want to show you what #sisterMAGhandmade truly means. Handmade by sisterMAG – we also like to call it #modernhandmade – not only means to produce items by hand, but to make these in a high quality. Thus, one or two instructions might seem a little tricky to beginners at first. Yet your daring to try will be granted with a great result.

In times of return to the individual, luxury in our own definition means to own something unique and handmade. Therefore, we’d like to support you in creating your own little pieces of luxury, suitable to every stage of life. Week by week, we’ll provide you with ideas, tips, and manuals using the new communication channel of Facebook Video, or – depending on request – Instagram /Facebook Live.

In tune with our current section’s theme »Marble Grey«, Marie and Lale from our sisterMAG Design Team show how to make the beautiful and highly individual Marble Paper following a simple method and list of ingredients (paper, water, and two shades of nail polish). You can find the video here on Facebook. We guarantee, each sheet is as individual as it gets.

Do you have any questions about the instructions? Send these via Facebook message, Instagram direct message, or email. We’ll collect your questions and answer them in one of our next videos. We also welcome new ideas come flying through these channel, gladly!

Truly yours,
sisterMAG Team